
My baby has been suffering from diarrhea for three months. The doctor diagnosed it as lactose intolerance. After switching to lactose-free formula, the stool remains pasty. After taking probiotics, the stool condition improved, but returned to pasty when I stopped. After gradually adding formula milk, the stool became thin again with milk curds. This condition has persisted for two months. What should I do?


This condition is usually a sign of digestive system immaturity. Simply taking probiotics cannot effectively improve the digestive function of the stomach and intestines. Recommendations include: initially focusing on dietary adjustments, temporarily stopping the feeding of formula milk and switching to breast milk combined with cooked millet porridge, taking the surface oil from the millet porridge for the baby to consume, which is both nutritious and easy to digest, ensuring no additional additives. This is especially suitable for babies. The above is a suggestion for the question “What Should I Do About My Baby’s Lactose Intolerance?” I hope it can be helpful to you and wish you good health!