
An infant of 1 year and 2 months old was diagnosed with scoliosis after an X-ray examination. The symptoms and onset time are as follows: The X-ray examination was performed on the anteroposterior view of the left wrist joint, showing that the metaphysis of the left radius is slightly rough, without obvious expansion, and two ossification centers are visible in the wrist. Is this scoliosis caused by calcium deficiency? How severe is the condition? How should it be handled? Thank you.


Scoliosis is commonly seen in children’s health issues caused by severe calcium deficiency. It is recommended to immediately supplement calcium for the infant. Usually, after two weeks of supplementation, when there is sufficient calcium ion in the intestines, vitamin D3 injections can be administered to promote calcium absorption. Additionally, it is advisable to expose the infant to sunlight more often. I hope these suggestions are helpful to you, and wish you good health.