
My son is a 12-year-old elementary school boy. He initially complained of pain while swallowing and was found to have severe coughing and low-grade fever symptoms. What types of food should we avoid giving him when he has tonsillitis?


In treating pediatric tonsillitis, diet is equally important. It is recommended to provide children with a variety of fruits and vegetables as they are rich in nutrients that can help boost immunity. When choosing fruits, opt for warm and vitamin-rich options such as tangerines and kiwis. The daily diet should mainly consist of easily digestible foods like congee and noodles. Additionally, ensure that the child drinks plenty of plain water. In terms of dietary restrictions, avoid feeding them foods such as beef, mutton, dog meat, and seafood as much as possible or altogether. Pay attention to avoiding picky eating habits to ensure a balanced diet, prevent a decline in resistance, and prevent recurrence of the disease.