
My newborn has been over 30 days old and has recently started experiencing diarrhea. What should I do? The symptoms have been present for four days. Initially, the diarrhea was accompanied by green, loose stools, occurring about four times a day. After seeing a doctor on the third day, the doctor said that the bowel movement was normal and recommended taking probiotics. After taking them for one day, yesterday there was only one episode of diarrhea during the day, and the stool condition was good. However, diarrhea recurred at night with the same green, loose stools. As of now today, there have been four episodes of diarrhea, accompanied by milk curds. The baby is in good spirits and has normal appetite.


Newborn diarrhea may be caused by catching a cold or indigestion. If the stool has a distinct odor, it may indicate protein indigestion, and at this point, you should appropriately increase the milk volume or dilute the milk. If there are more bubbles in the stool, it may suggest carbohydrate indigestion, and it is necessary to reduce or stop consuming starch-rich foods. If diarrhea is accompanied by milk curds, it may indicate poor digestion and absorption. It is recommended to give the baby digestive cod liver oil to help promote calcium absorption and to provide probiotics to adjust the intestinal flora, prevent diarrhea and vomiting, and improve digestion and absorption, stabilizing gastrointestinal function. Probiotics and synbiotics are both good choices.