
The baby has blisters in their mouth, doesn’t want to eat, and likes to cry and fuss. This has been going on for a long time. What was the past treatment and its effectiveness? What kind of help do we need? I want to know what methods can quickly resolve this issue.


You can use mouthwash or a compound borax mouth rinse, using it 3-5 times a day. Then apply an oral ulcer anti-inflammatory film, cutting it to the size of the ulcer and placing it on the ulcer until it naturally heals. Suggestion: Use 0.5% Dactinomycin solution, dipped with a cotton swab and applied to the ulcer, or mix Zhusuang powder with Qingdai powder and apply the powder to the ulcer surface, which can help activate blood circulation and promote scab formation. A small amount of Aureomycin ointment can also be applied to the ulcer surface, which has the effect of activating blood circulation and promoting scab formation.