
The baby has had diarrhea for more than 10 days after being weaned. Although the diet is diverse, including noodles, wonton skins, and white rice porridge, and the baby drinks 500 milliliters of water daily, the baby often has diarrhea at night recently, and the excrement is watery in the later stages. How should one respond, and what precautions should be taken?


Infantile diarrhea is a common occurrence, possibly due to weak digestion and absorption functions in infants or improper diet. Treatment with a single medication is often limited in effectiveness, and combining acupuncture therapy, such as tonifying the spleen and strengthening the stomach, may yield better results.

  1. You can take oral Montmorillonite powder and Mommy Love.
  2. The acupuncture treatment for infantile diarrhea is simple and can be performed by an acupuncturist or even by parents themselves. The method is as follows: Take the side of the baby’s right index finger, and the adult’s thumb pushes from the tip of the index finger towards the root of the finger. After pushing a few times, lift the thumb and repeat the operation without back and forth pushing. Some baby powder or talcum powder can be applied. This should be done for about 10 minutes each time, twice a day, and acupuncture can be administered for 3-5 days. This is a method of treating nausea and vomiting using tonification therapy.