
My child is about to turn one year old, and their tongue frequently inflames. Additionally, the hair that was shaved off at one month old has not grown back yet. I have taken the child to a pediatric hospital for a check-up, and the doctor diagnosed it as possibly being zinc deficiency. However, even though the child has been taking zinc supplements from pregnancy to birth, the doctor could not determine the exact cause.


Recurrent tongue inflammation, as the doctor said, may be due to a deficiency of trace elements, including zinc, but this may just be one of the factors. In addition to deficiencies in other elements such as magnesium or calcium, these can all be attributed to the child’s digestive problems. Even if these elements are ingested, if the child’s digestive function is impaired, these elements may not be absorbed. This leads to food accumulation in the digestive tract, causing indigestion, which over time generates heat – this is the fundamental cause of the recurrent tongue inflammation. The failure of the hair to grow back may also be an indication of poor spleen and stomach digestion. Therefore, treatment should focus on strengthening the spleen and stomach to aid digestion. You can give your child Bao He Wan, which can both nourish the spleen and stomach and clear away empty fire.