
The baby is three and a half months old and weighs 5.7 kilograms. Breast milk is obviously insufficient, and attempts to give formula milk have been met with refusal. There are two types of formula milk available, Beinaimei and Dumex, but the baby uses its tongue to push away the bottle, even crying and fussing. The probiotics initially helped, but now there are times when the baby throws up.


The baby might be rejecting formula milk due to being accustomed to the light taste of breast milk, with the strong flavor of formula possibly causing the baby to refuse it. It is suggested to try letting the baby get hungry, as it may be willing to take in formula when extremely hungry. Additionally, overexertion and moodiness may affect the amount of breast milk, so it is recommended to rest more and maintain a good mood. In terms of diet, drinking foods rich in fats such as pork rib soup, pork trotter soup, and crucian carp soup can promote breast milk production, as well as moderate amounts of fruit. Moreover, medication or acupuncture can also help increase milk supply. Allowing the baby to suckle more often can also help increase breast milk. Wishing the baby a healthy growth.