
A one-and-a-half-year-old child has recently lost their appetite and vomits after eating only small amounts of food. They also refuse to drink milk powder. They have previously received two treatments with anti-vomiting injections and have been taking pancreatic enzyme powder. What could be the cause of this? How can the child recover more quickly?


The child may be suffering from gastrointestinal fever, which could be caused by catching a cold, consuming cold or hard foods, unclean eating, or indigestion. Clinical symptoms include nausea and vomiting. I recommend giving the child oral stomachic and digestant tablets and huoxiang zhengqi water, drinking plenty of water, eating a light and easy-to-digest diet, avoiding cold or irritating foods, eating small meals frequently, avoiding overeating, keeping warm, and preventing colds. I hope these suggestions will help you.