
My baby is 6 months old and has recently had loose stool with some bubbles. The baby is breastfed. The baby suddenly wakes up during naps and occasionally cries. The baby is also taking digestive vitamin drops. We have given the baby probiotics several times before, but the situation still persists. I want to know if the baby is scared too much, and how should we deal with it?


Based on the described situation, considering that the baby may have digestive dysfunction. Loose stool with bubbles may indicate dyspepsia. It is recommended to check the stool regularly for abnormalities and occult blood, if there are pus balls or positive occult blood, it may be dysentery and anti-inflammatory treatment is needed. If the stool is normal, you can take probiotics and other types of medication to adjust gastrointestinal function. Breastfeeding mothers should also pay attention to their diet and avoid eating cold or hard-to-digest foods.