A four-and-a-half-year-old child pees excessively during daytime sleep, possibly urinating three to four times at night, and twice or thrice during the two-hour nap. As a result, they often wet the bed. They generally dislike eating meat and are also averse to vegetables. Parents are wondering if their child’s aversion to meat is related to bedwetting. They hope to receive professional answers and are very grateful.
Bedwetting, also known as nighttime urinary incontinence, commonly occurs in children between the ages of 3 and 12. The causes of bedwetting can be classified into functional and organic categories. Functional bedwetting may be related to genetics or the child’s temperament, while organic bedwetting might be a symptom of certain diseases. Bedwetting could be due to underdeveloped brain function, neurological issues, or other health conditions. In traditional Chinese medicine, bedwetting is also referred to as “enuresis” or “nighttime bedwetting,” which may be associated with weakness in the kidneys or bladder.