
Can breastfeeding women eat strawberries?


From a nutrition and health perspective, breastfeeding women can consume strawberries. Strawberries are rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, which are beneficial for both the mother and the baby’s health. However, individual reactions to food allergies vary, so if there is a history of allergy to strawberries or other fruits, it is advisable to avoid eating them or consult a doctor. Additionally, the issue of pesticide residues in strawberries is also something to consider; opting for organic strawberries might be a better choice. During breastfeeding, women should consume a diverse and balanced diet to provide sufficient nutrition for the baby. For women with different constitutions, dietary principles during the postpartum period may also differ. Here is a speculative list based on female constitution and suitable foods: 1. Cold constitution: characterized by pale complexion, aversion to cold or cold extremities, lack of thirst with a bland taste, loose stools, frequent urination with pale color, clear sputum, clear mucus, white tongue coating, prone to fever. Suitable foods include sesame oil chicken, cooked chicken with wine, Four-Ingredient Soup, Four-Ingredient Chicken, or Ten Complete Tonifying Soup, but should avoid overly greasy foods to prevent nausea or vomiting.