
The baby has a white and thick tongue coating, lacks interest in milk during the day, and can only consume up to 60 milliliters at night. There is no high fever, and the baby’s spirits are relatively good. The baby has previously undergone treatment with “Wenpi Yang’er Granules” but there has been no improvement. At birth, the baby weighed 5 pounds and was 47 centimeters tall. At 2 and a half months, the baby weighed 9 and a half pounds and was 55 centimeters tall. The height and weight have not reached the standard. What should I do?


Refusal to eat is common in babies between 4 to 6 months old, and sometimes it can occur as early as 3 months. First, it’s important to understand what causes the baby to lose interest in drinking milk. There can be many reasons, including curiosity, a preference for new things over old, poor environment, and slowing growth rate.