
The epiphysis line of my ankle bone has already fused. Does this mean I will no longer grow? Do the knee and ankle epiphysis lines fuse simultaneously? Past treatment and outcomes: I have had X-rays taken at the hospital. Assistance needed: I am 18 years old. Is there still a possibility of growth? How are the epiphysis lines in other parts?


Male adolescence usually ends around the age of 18, after which they generally do not grow taller. The epiphysis line is an important indicator for predicting height growth, and at this age, it is advisable to observe the knee epiphysis line. If the ankle’s epiphysis line has fused, there may not be much room for future growth. This is a suggestion for the question “Does the closure of the ankle epiphysis line mean no longer growing?” I hope it helps you. Wishing you good health. Note that the above content is a sample, and actual content output should be processed based on original data. In the processing process, ensure the accuracy and completeness of information.