
How can one determine if corpus callosum malformations are caused by genetic mutations, and what treatments and rehabilitation training should be undertaken?


Corpus callosum malformations, often visible as widened sulci and thickened cortex in CT scans, typically present in the brain hemispheres. Diagnosis involves CT scanning to confirm this feature. Treatment should be based on strict management and combined with daily rehabilitation training. Here are some daily precautions:

  1. Avoid consuming foods like pork, dog meat, donkey meat, and chili, which are irritating.
  2. Avoid watching films or TV shows that may provoke emotional excitement or sadness, as well as excessive use of computers, video games, and mobile phones.
  3. Avoid attending large fireworks shows to prevent overexposure to shock, which could lead to recurrence of the condition. For families planning a second pregnancy, it is best to undergo genetic testing and relevant examinations to ensure the health of the child.