
Why is my 1.5-year-old baby sweating excessively, especially during dinner and afternoon naps when the head sweats a lot? Is this normal?


Due to the rapid growth and metabolism in infants, they produce more heat and metabolic by-products than adults. Additionally, since the infant’s autonomic nervous system is not fully developed, when they sleep, the sympathetic nerve that controls the sweat glands may become temporarily hyperactive due to loss of brain control, leading to excessive sweating, which is usually normal. If, in addition to night sweats, there are symptoms such as restlessness, sleeplessness, easy awakening, flat head, nappy hair, and pigeon chest, it is recommended to supplement vitamin D and calcium under a doctor’s guidance. In terms of diet, attention should also be paid to consuming foods rich in calcium, such as fish and shrimp shells. Wishing you health.