
A seven-year-old child is suffering from inflammation with a persistent fever of 40 degrees Celsius, even after two consecutive days of intravenous saline treatment, the condition has not improved. What has been the past treatment and its effectiveness? If the white blood cell count is 120, and the fever has not dropped to 40 degrees Celsius after receiving intravenous saline, how should one proceed?


Firstly, a routine blood test should be conducted. If the white blood cell count is not elevated, it may indicate a viral fever, with a typical duration of 5 to 7 days. During this period, pay attention to the child’s vitality, mental state, complexion, vomiting, seizures or tremors in the limbs, breathing, and heartbeat sounds. If any changes occur, please consult a doctor promptly. I hope these suggestions are helpful to you. Wishing your child good health!