
A 23-year-old woman, standing at 155cm, hopes to reach 160cm within three months as her boyfriend’s family members average over 170cm in height, and she wishes to be closer to their stature. She has recently started taking a product called Ti Chun and tries to jump rope for 10 minutes every day, as well as drinking milk powder in the morning and evening. She is eager to know what methods can promote height growth within three months.


Based on the individual’s case, to maximize height growth potential, it is recommended to consume more vegetables, high-protein foods, and those rich in calcium and zinc, avoiding dietary imbalances. Ensure adequate rest and quality sleep. Regular physical activity is suggested. It is advisable to undergo a detailed check of the growth plates first. If the growth plates are about to close but have not yet fully closed, short-term use of growth hormones may be considered. However, it is crucial to act promptly as early use may lead to premature closure of the growth plates, affecting final height.