
My baby has poor digestion and sometimes passes hard stools. They always seem to have a fiery sensation inside. What should I do? They have been eating formula, breast milk, congee, and noodles. They have taken two days of fire-clearing medicine before. Now, what kind of help is needed? What medication should be taken to relieve the symptoms?


Based on your description, your baby’s symptoms may be caused by insufficient daily water intake or insufficient fiber content in their diet. In addition to these reasons, excessive complementary foods may also lead to constipation. Here are some suggestions:

  1. Increase your baby’s water intake or give them banana puree, which helps increase moisture in the intestines and alleviate constipation.
  2. Add more green vegetables to their complementary foods. Not only do they meet the needs of the child’s growth and development, but they also help relieve constipation.
  3. You can use glycerin suppositories to help your baby defecate. Please note that if the symptoms persist or worsen, it is recommended that you take your child to the hospital for a check-up to receive professional diagnosis and treatment.