
A 5-year-old child has recently developed a cough, with a slightly red throat. The child has already taken lung-clearing oral liquid, but the cough has not improved. How about past treatment experiences and outcomes? What kind of help is needed now? Are there any effective medications or treatment methods?


Based on the description, it is generally believed to be caused by an upper respiratory tract infection. Treatment can include oral pediatric antibiotics, lung-clearing and blood-cooling oral liquid, and antiviral medications. For mild infections, symptomatic anti-inflammatory medication can be taken. If coughing with phlegm is present, fresh bamboo decoction oral liquid or children’s Mahan Gan granules can be taken. In severe cases, it is recommended to undergo intravenous injection treatment. Additionally, it is necessary to consider the possibility of mycoplasma infection. If diagnosed with mycoplasma infection, red mold injection for intravenous injection or azithromycin dry suspension for oral administration should be used.