
What should I do if my five-month-old baby has diarrhea? My baby, who is now five months old, has had diarrhea treatment before, but now the diarrhea symptoms have recurred. The stools are watery or like egg-drop soup, accompanied by mucus and foam. They have a bowel movement after eating whatever they eat and do not have one when they do not eat. They have diarrhea four to five times a day, but not at night, and their mental state is good. Treatment has been administered but has not been effective, and now I don’t want to keep giving my baby medication.


The baby’s diarrhea may be caused by cold exposure, weakness of the spleen and stomach, or bacterial infection. Pay attention to keeping warm, avoid eating cold, sour, and spicy irritant foods, maintain good dietary hygiene, apply cold compresses to the abdomen, and take Zangling Shusugar, which contains a large amount of intestinal probiotics. These can promote the normal function of the gastrointestinal tract, accelerate the healing of gastrointestinal inflammation, enhance the body’s resistance, and are effective with no side effects.