
Started coughing last night, intermittent, not particularly severe, but kept coughing intermittently this morning. Had been coughing with mucus before, saw a doctor about a month ago, and now I notice his mucus is still quite a lot, as if it hasn’t completely cleared up. Don’t know what to do. Started having several chills a day two days ago, and it was the same yesterday. Past treatment and effects: Usually when I cough, there’s a lot of mucus that I can’t cough up, and this time there’s also burping. Never had pneumonia; it’s always been tracheitis. What kind of help do I need: What’s going on with this situation, what kind of medicine is suitable, and what kind of defecation can help the condition?


Based on your description, I believe this time it might be pediatric bronchitis accompanied by fever symptoms. Here are my suggestions: I recommend taking your child to the pediatric department of the hospital for a detailed examination and then giving them symptomatic medication under the guidance of a doctor. Don’t give your child medication on your own to avoid missing the condition. Pay attention to keeping your child warm, drinking plenty of water, and eating easily digestible and nutritious foods. Wishing your child a healthy growth! These are the suggestions for the question “What to do when your baby coughs with mucus, sneezes, and has no high fever.” I hope it helps; wish you health!