
There were a few spots on my head, and the doctor said to observe at home first. Later, there were more spots on my body. Previous treatment and effects: The doctor didn’t prescribe any medicine, saying it could heal on its own. I want to know if this disease can regress naturally.


This condition can be treated. It is recommended to control your diet first, which is a basic measure for treating this disease. For patients with hyperlipidemia, low-fat, low-sugar, and low-cholesterol diets are prescribed according to different types. Medication treatment includes lipid-lowering drugs. Clofibrate (Antomin) 2g/d, mainly to reduce triglycerides. Colestipol (Cholestyramine) 12-24g/d, mainly to reduce cholesterol. Nicotinic acid 3-4.5g/d, which reduces both triglycerides and cholesterol. Chinese medicine for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis can also be taken. If diet and medication control are ineffective, regional treatment can be performed. For regional lesions with fewer spots, methods such as liquid nitrogen cryotherapy, electrosurgery, and laser therapy can be used.