
A nine-and-a-half-month-old baby who was previously doing well with rice porridge now only eats a few spoonfuls before refusing to eat. Past treatment and its effects showed that the test results indicated a zinc level of 55.51, a calcium level of 1.52, and an iron level of 7.16. The doctor recommended supplementing with Aceshisha Zinc and Bio-Protein Calcium, which are health supplements with the (Yushi Jiansheng Xu) mark. However, even after two days of taking them, the child still dislikes eating. How should we handle this situation?


A nine-month-old baby can start being introduced to a variety of complementary foods. When offering complementary foods, attention should be paid to diversity, and the baby should be encouraged to try new foods. If the baby is deficient in zinc, it is recommended to eat more foods high in zinc content, such as black rice and coarse grains. Additionally, pumpkin, potatoes, pork, and chicken liver can be provided in moderation as zinc-rich foods in the daily diet. Protein-bound zinc is highly active and easily absorbed, making it very effective for zinc supplementation.