
A 7-year-old child was initially diagnosed with congenital astigmatism during a hospital follow-up appointment and is accompanied by amblyopia. No treatment has been received yet. The concerned help needed is: to undergo corrective treatment.


6 years old is the golden period for amblyopia treatment, and there is still an opportunity to reduce vision problems through treatment from 6 to 12 years old. Astigmatism needs to be corrected with glasses, and there is currently no special treatment method. The child should primarily undergo amblyopia training through comprehensive assessment with prescription glasses, occlusion, red light, afterimages, and gratings to improve vision, in order not to miss the golden opportunity for amblyopia treatment and cause lifelong vision damage. Wishing you health. This is the suggestion for the question “What kind of glasses should a child with congenital astigmatism wear?” I hope it can be helpful to you, wishing you health!