
My child is eight years old and often wets the bed during naps. What should I do? Sometimes it gets better, but then it happens again. Previous treatment and results: We have tried giving the child some nutritional supplements, but it seems to have no improvement. What kind of help do we need? Thank you for your guidance.


Bedwetting in children under two years old is a normal phenomenon due to their lack of control over urination. More than 60% of children over two and a half years old can control not to wet the bed at night. However, if a child over three years old still frequently wets the bed, or a child between five and six years old wets the bed more than twice a month, or a child over six years old wets the bed once a month or more, it can be diagnosed as pediatric enuresis. Treatment Suggestions:

  1. Placenta Powder Supplement: The placenta, also known as afterbirth or afterbirth, is known as Zǐ Hé Chē in traditional Chinese medicine, which has the effects of warming and supplementing kidney essence and enhancing immunity.
  2. Increase Resistance: Through proper nutritional supplementation and physical activities, enhance the child’s physical resistance.