
For the past half year, my son has been frequently nosebleeding. What symptoms does he have? What treatments has he undergone? How effective have they been? We hope to receive professional assistance.


  1. Local factors may include inflammation of the nasal cavity or sinuses, deviated septum, trauma, tumor, or poor nose-picking habits. Nasopharyngeal tumors may cause blood in nasal mucus in the early stages, which is often overlooked.
  2. Systemic factors include febrile diseases, hypertension, heart disease, blood diseases, chronic liver and kidney diseases, nutritional disorders, endocrine disorders, etc. Suggestions:
  • If nosebleeds occur, remain calm and do not panic, as blood pressure drop may lead to increased bleeding.
  • If blood flows into the mouth, spit it out to avoid stimulating the stomach.
  • For minor bleeding, a cotton ball can be inserted into the nostril and pressed tightly for 5-10 minutes. If bleeding does not stop, the compression time can be extended, and a cold compress on the forehead and nose can be applied. Yun Nan Baiyao may be more effective.
  • If bleeding is severe or recurrent, it is advisable to seek medical attention promptly.