
My eight-year-old son initially felt a sore throat, with difficulty swallowing and accompanied by a low-grade fever. What types of food should the child consume during the treatment of tonsillitis?


During the treatment of tonsillitis in children, it is recommended to start with dietary adjustments to boost the child’s immunity. Encourage your child to eat fresh vegetables and fruits, which are rich in various nutrients and help enhance immunity. For instance, apples and kiwis have the effect of resolving phlegm, moistening the lungs, and are beneficial in alleviating tonsillitis symptoms. Also, prepare easily digestible foods for your child, such as thin porridge or soft noodles. At the same time, ensure your child drinks plenty of plain water and eats less beef, mutton, dog meat, and seafood. In addition to the doctor’s treatment, parents should help children develop good eating and living habits, which will contribute to their early recovery.