
My baby is 10 months old, and I’ve had tonsillitis for 3 days. How should I treat it? I’m worried that the antibiotics might affect breastfeeding.


As a breastfeeding mother, your situation requires careful handling since any medication can potentially affect your baby. You’ve already tried amoxicillin capsules with no effect, so you may need to consider other treatment options. However, if you plan to continue breastfeeding, it’s essential to consult with a doctor to ensure the medication is safe for your baby. In this case, you might need to temporarily switch your baby to formula milk, but this should be carefully considered as formula is not necessarily safer than breast milk. Moreover, since your baby is already 10 months old, you can start introducing various foods, including egg yolks, congee, porridge, noodles, and fruits, and can consume a moderate amount of salty foods. If you’re sick, caring for your baby may be affected, but fortunately, your baby may have a higher resistance and is less likely to be affected by you.