
Over the past few days, my two-month-old baby seems to have caught a cold, with frequent vomiting and more runny stools than before. The previous treatment and its effectiveness were: applying one pediatric Gui Du Nai Chi plaster. I hope to receive some assistance. How can I help my baby get better?


Nursing reflux is usually a normal phenomenon, as the more a baby eats, the more they tend to vomit. Previously, the baby ate less, so vomiting was relatively less frequent. When dealing with nursing reflux, it is recommended to feed the baby smaller, more frequent meals, and hold the baby upright after feeding to gently pat their back until they burp. If vomiting occurs, pay attention to whether the vomit contains undigested food residue. These residues should be vomited out, and then fresh milk can be given to the baby. The above suggestions are for the question “Is My Two-Month-Old Baby Experiencing a Cold?” I hope this helps you, and wish you and your baby good health!