
My baby is four months old. A few days ago, she had diarrhea with a fever, and after the fever subsided, the diarrhea still persists. Moreover, recently, the baby has started crying continuously with a sound of ‘Yi yi ah ah’ and loses interest in breastfeeding. I don’t know if this is a sign of illness and how to treat it?


These symptoms may be due to the baby’s incomplete recovery from the illness, leading to weaker gastrointestinal absorption function. It is recommended to gently massage the baby’s abdomen in a clockwise direction regularly and to apply a warm, moist towel on the baby’s navel. This helps promote digestion and absorption, but please be careful to avoid burns. Additionally, keep the baby’s diet light, observe the stool condition, and closely monitor the baby’s condition. If the symptoms do not improve or worsen, please take the baby to the doctor as soon as possible.