
This morning, my 5-month-old baby started having a runny nose and sneezing, along with hiccups and watery eyes. This is the first time this has happened. Should I give her medicine? If so, what kind? Besides these symptoms, what else should I be aware of?


The baby’s runny nose, hiccups, and watery eyes may indicate a cold caused by wind and cold. Initially, there may be nasal congestion and hiccups, followed by a runny nose, with severe cases possibly involving chills and fever. Never self-medicate without consulting a professional. You can try using ginger honey drink to treat wind and cold: slice 15 grams of ginger, boil it in water, add enough honey when serving, and take it once before bedtime. This recipe helps expel coldness, activate blood circulation, and boost vitality. Additionally, you can use a warm towel to cover the baby’s nose to inhale the warm air, repeating this 3-5 times to relieve symptoms. These are suggestions for the question ‘What to do when a 5-month-old baby has a runny nose and sneezes?’ I hope they are helpful to you, and wish your baby health!