
My child is three months old and has been experiencing severe nasal congestion in the morning and evening recently, especially in the morning and at night. The weather has been bad lately, and the baby has a fever. During the day, they seem fine, but at night, it feels like mucus is stuck in their nose, which is very uncomfortable. They have had a fever before and seen a doctor, who prescribed medication that helped them get better. Now, I don’t want to give my child too much medication and am looking for other ways to help them recover faster. Thank you.


It’s important to keep the indoor air fresh by frequently opening windows for ventilation, at least twice a day for 20 minutes each time, to reduce the risk of respiratory infections. Maintain a room temperature of around 22-25 degrees Celsius and humidity between 50%-60%. At the same time, try to avoid taking your child to crowded public places with many people, especially during flu season. Don’t visit sick people’s homes to prevent cross-infection. Also, keep the home environment with suitable temperature and humidity; do not let it become too dry.