
My baby is almost 13 months old. This afternoon, he fell on the back of his head while playing in the mud on the side of a field. He cried at first, but then didn’t vomit or become disoriented again. We massaged him and comforted him for a while, and he seemed to be better. Even when we were trying to put him to sleep, he woke up himself and became lively after being teased by us. During dinner, he ate normally and seemed fine. However, I am very worried, what potential complications might there be? I am really anxious, please help me answer this.


Based on your description, the child did not develop any apparent neurological symptoms after the fall, such as paralysis, disorientation, or severe vomiting, which are typically symptoms of intracranial hemorrhage. The child may have suffered from a concussion, which may be accompanied by symptoms such as dizziness, headache, and vertigo. In this case, it is recommended to let the child rest more and use medications that nourish brain cells for treatment. Generally, recovery is good. Please keep a close observation, and if any discomfort symptoms occur, seek medical attention immediately.