
The baby often vomits while drinking milk and it’s not clear why. When drinking milk, the nipple goes into the mouth and only a few sips are taken before dry heaving occurs. The baby has been drinking SanYuan YouCong milk all along, and this phenomenon has lasted for about a month. Previous treatment and results: The baby has been to the hospital for a spleen check-up. Desired assistance: Hope the doctor can guess what’s going on, thank you.


Based on your description, it may be a case of stomach discomfort or indigestion caused by improper feeding or catching a cold. It is recommended to give the baby some warm water between changing diapers, feed the baby in small, frequent amounts, do not overfeed at one time, take probiotics to regulate the intestines, and pay attention to keeping the abdomen warm. These are suggestions for the issue of “baby often dry heaves while drinking milk and don’t know what’s wrong.” I hope this helps you, and wish you good health!