
The baby often vomits after drinking milk. Each time I change the baby’s diaper, he only drinks a few sips before starting to dry heave. The baby has been drinking Similac Pro Advance formula milk, and this situation has been going on for more than a month. Previous treatments and effects: The baby has undergone spleen and liver regulation at the hospital. Needed assistance: I hope a doctor can help analyze the cause of this situation, thank you.


Based on your description, the baby may be experiencing poor gastrointestinal absorption due to overfeeding. Suggestion: Formula milk can easily cause heat, so the water intake should be at a 1:1 ratio daily, meaning as much formula as fed should be digested with an equal amount of water, thus reducing the risk of heat. For the current situation, it is recommended to feed probiotics for three days. This is the suggestion for the question “What causes continuous dry vomiting after breastfeeding in infants,” hoping it will be helpful to you, wishing you and your baby health!