
What should be taken into account when treating a 3-year-old boy with pigeon chest? Do you need to take calcium tablets and vitamin E? How can pigeon chest be reduced? Previous treatment and outcomes: Taking calcium tablets, what kind of assistance is helpful: Go to the hospital for a thorough check-up, what department should I register for?


Pigeon chest is a consequence of delayed treatment for rickets caused by vitamin D deficiency. If pigeon chest has already developed, early treatment with vitamin D and calcium supplements can still lead to recovery. If the condition has persisted for a long time, it is generally difficult to restore the deformed bones to normal. In such cases, medication may not be effective. If it affects breathing or causes compression on the heart, surgical treatment may be considered. For a hospital check-up, you can consult pediatric or thoracic surgery departments. These are the recommendations for treating “How to Treat Pigeon Chest in a 3-Year-Old Boy?”, hoping it will be helpful to you, wishing you good health!