
What should be done if a baby falls off the bed with the head hitting the ground, shows redness and swelling, and there is a concern about possible concussions or other injuries?


After the baby fell off the bed, there was redness and swelling on the head, but no obvious external injury or bleeding was observed. During the observation period, the baby showed a tendency to fall asleep but was prevented from doing so. The baby eventually fell asleep after half an hour of activity, and upon waking up, the redness had disappeared. Based on the current situation, it seems that the baby may have only suffered a minor impact. However, for safety’s sake, it is recommended to continue observing the baby’s condition, especially for any discomfort or abnormal behavior in the head area. During this observation period, avoid allowing the baby to engage in severe movements of the head and be attentive to any other symptoms that may arise. If there is concern or doubt, it is advisable to seek medical attention for further examination, such as a brain imaging study, to ensure there are no complications.