
The baby experienced diarrhea symptoms at one month old and improved after taking medication. At four months old, the diarrhea persisted for half a month, and after hospital treatment, the baby recovered after seven days of intravenous fluid therapy. The baby has diarrhea occasionally when consuming slightly cool food or overeating. Currently at a loss, the baby has become increasingly sensitive. Could you please suggest what foods can stabilize the baby’s digestive function?


If routine stool tests rule out infectious factors, it is more likely that the baby is experiencing physiological diarrhea. It is recommended to give the baby products like Mommy Love or Ginestan, which contain probiotics. If the stool is very loose, additional probiotics can be added. Typically, physiological diarrhea improves after the baby starts solid foods. If formula milk is given, it may be advisable to switch to a hypoallergenic formula. These are the suggestions for “How to nourish a baby with poor digestive health.” I hope this helps and wish you and your baby good health!