
A one and a half-year-old baby was playing fine last night but started experiencing bloating symptoms in the middle of the night. After the parent wiped some tea oil on the baby, the symptoms slightly improved, but vomiting began shortly afterward, occurring only during coughing. The baby’s dinner last night consisted of rice and a lollipop, along with 250 milliliters of formula milk. Similar situations have occurred before but were diagnosed as seasonal issues. The parents are seeking to understand the cause and how to handle the situation.


A one and a half-year-old baby vomiting at night could be due to dyspepsia. It’s important to provide a light diet and pay attention to the temperature of the food. Abdominal warmth is also crucial, and medication treatment can be considered, such as taking some infant digestive powder or probiotics. You can also try using hot salt compresses on the abdomen. Parents should closely monitor the baby’s condition, and if symptoms persist without improvement, it is advisable to seek further medical attention.