
The baby now has diarrhea and has lost interest in breastfeeding, making sounds in the mouth. The baby is four and a half months old. Two days ago, the baby had diarrhea and developed a high fever of 39.6 degrees Celsius. After being treated at the hospital, the fever went down; the stools are still a bit loose; now the baby keeps making sounds in the mouth all the time, except when sleeping; and the baby is not as interested in breastfeeding as before. Previous treatment and effects: There was no particular assistance before; I’m not sure if this counts as a disease; how should I treat it? Thank you.


This condition may be due to an incomplete recovery from childhood illness, which has led to an incomplete restoration of gastrointestinal absorption function. It is recommended to massage the abdomen in a clockwise direction regularly, and to use a warm towel to apply heat to the abdomen, but be careful to avoid burns. These methods may help improve the symptoms.