
When a child’s white blood cell count is higher than the normal level, should antibiotics be used? If so, should antibiotics also be used when the white blood cell count is lower than the normal level? When a child has a fever, a routine blood test may show slightly elevated white blood cells, and doctors usually prescribe antibiotics such as cephalosporins. However, in these cases, the white blood cell count is generally not very high, usually around 11 or 12. Is such treatment appropriate? What is the standard white blood cell count for antibiotic use?


Generally speaking, during acute bacterial infections or inflammation, white blood cells may decrease; during viral infections, white blood cells will decrease. Fever and heat can be caused by viral infections as well as bacterial infections. A detailed blood test and chest X-ray are used for diagnosis, followed by treatment tailored to the cause. The above suggestions are for the question “Should antibiotics be used when a child’s white blood cell count is lower than the normal level.” I hope these suggestions are helpful to you, and wish you good health!