
「My child was often in the car for commuting when they were 2 years old, but stopped after the weather warmed up. Recently, they’ve started crying and screaming every time we get in the car. What’s going on? Additionally, my child doesn’t like to take the elevator either; they cry every time the door closes. Why is that? There has been no previous treatment or improvement. What kind of help do I need: I want to know what’s wrong with my child? Are they sick? What should I do?」


“It could be that the child is not adjusting well or feeling temporarily uneasy, not due to illness. You don’t need to worry too much. You can accompany your child in the car for a few days, reassuring them not to be sad. Let them see other children and play together to distract their attention. Encourage them more, and give them some extra rewards after they sit in the car by themselves. For children, extra rewards are more valuable than criticism. As for the elevator, the child may not like the feeling of it; you can wait until they are older to use it, or hold them while talking to them so they don’t feel like they’re in an elevator. I’m glad to provide an answer and hope it helps you. Wishing you a pleasant life.”