
Could you please review my son’s blood test and X-ray reports? Based on these reports, what is his current condition? Is he suffering from pneumonia, upper respiratory tract infection, or fever?


Based on the patient’s medical history and relevant examinations, it is suspected that the child may be suffering from a respiratory tract infection. The blood test suggests a viral infection, and the X-ray results are generally normal. Generally, children with congenital laryngomalacia are more prone to respiratory tract infections than others. Moreover, since the child is in the stage of growth and development, various body functions are not yet fully matured, and respiratory system diseases may develop rapidly. If a pediatric upper respiratory tract infection is not treated in a timely manner, it may spread to the trachea and bronchi, even developing into pneumonia. The early symptoms of pediatric pneumonia are often not obvious, requiring comprehensive analysis and close observation for symptoms such as vomiting and poor spirits.