An 8-month-old baby doesn’t like to eat and hasn’t grown any teeth yet, currently only drinking formula milk. I have dealt with similar situations before, but the results were not significant. Please provide solutions.
Here are some relevant precautions you should be aware of:
- Deficiency of Vitamin B: A lack of Vitamin B may lead to a decrease in the baby’s taste function and the absorption function of the gastric mucosa.
- Deficiency of Trace Element Zinc: Zinc deficiency may also cause the baby to lose interest in eating.
- Psychological Factors: Excessive tension, anxiety, fright, or a lack of affection may lead to picky eating in babies. For example, if the baby has just started attending kindergarten or nursery, their psychological state may not have recovered yet.
- Seasonal Factors: Summer heat or excessive exercise may also cause the baby to lose interest in eating. Understanding these possible reasons for a baby’s lack of appetite can help you make targeted adjustments for your baby.