
My baby is 100 days old, and lately, every time they urinate, a little bit of stool comes out. They often strain during their usual times, and when they do, stool comes out. But their spirits are good. What’s happening here? Can they get vaccinated? Before, when changing diapers, there was also a bit of stool, but not as frequently as now. What was the previous treatment and its effectiveness? The doctor prescribed babyJianpi San. What kind of help is expected? They are in good spirits, is this normal?


Based on the information you’ve provided, your child’s symptoms are normal. Please do not worry and pay attention to their care. There is no need for immediate resolution at this time. Pay attention to your child’s cold prevention and ensure good hygiene in caring for your child, as their current immunity is still relatively weak and they are prone to catching diseases. These are the suggestions for the issue of “a 100-day-old baby strains and poops during urination.” I hope this helps you, and wish you health!