
Dear Parent, Our son is just over 7 months old. Initially, he had a slight sore throat, and we noticed that his coughing seemed more severe. Additionally, he has a persistent high fever that doesn’t seem to go away. How should we treat his tonsillitis effectively, as it is quite painful for a child?


When a child has tonsillitis, parents can adopt the following treatment methods:

  • Administering anti-inflammatory medication to help alleviate the inflammation.
  • Complementary regional treatments can be considered, such as tonsil crypt irrigation or injection of medication, which are effective methods.
  • If the main symptom is throat pain, consider giving the child painkillers.
  • If the child continues to have a persistent fever, oral fever-reducing medication can be administered.
  • If the child frequently experiences tonsillitis, it is recommended to seek surgical treatment as soon as possible.
  • At the same time, while treating the condition, it is important to provide the child with a light diet and enhance nutritional supplementation to aid in their swift recovery.