The baby is six and a half months old and ate on Monday morning. On Tuesday, when the baby defecated, the stool was initially normal but eventually turned green. From Wednesday to Thursday, the baby has been consistently passing green, runny stools, and the child is in good spiritual condition. On Wednesday evening, the baby took Montmorillonite powder and ate three meals without any change. Starting on Wednesday evening, there were also foam-like stools. Previous treatment and effectiveness: None. Desired assistance: Please ask how to handle the situation.
It is very common for children under one year of age to experience this type of dyspepsia again, so there is no need to worry excessively. This is due to the underdeveloped digestive system of the child. It is recommended that when feeding your baby milk and food, you must regulate the amount and try to give your child a lot of easily digestible foods such as egg custard, porridge made from millet, or other easily digestible foods. Do not overfeed your child.