
What initial measures can be taken at home when a child has a fever?


Fever is a common symptom in the growth process of children. If a child’s body temperature reaches above 38.5°C, it can be considered as a high fever. Here are three physical cooling methods:

  1. Warm Water Foot Bath: Use water at about 37 degrees Celsius to expand blood vessels and promote heat dissipation. When wiping, apply even pressure and pay special attention to staying longer in areas with rich blood vessels such as the armpits and groin. Wrap the child in a large towel after the warm water wipe bath.
  2. Wet Cloth on Forehead: Placing a wet cloth on the child’s forehead can help lower the temperature.
  3. Change into Dry Clothing: If the child’s clothes are damp or too heavy, change them immediately to breathable and dry clothing.