
My baby has been experiencing a severe cough and wheezing, with intermittent high fever. We went to the hospital, had a routine blood test, and an X-ray, which showed no signs of pneumonia. They prescribed medication, which we’ve been taking for a day, but the baby still feels short of breath and there are particularly loud sounds in the lungs. What could be the cause?


How many days has your baby been showing symptoms? Based on your description, the lungs have been thoroughly checked and no issues were found. It’s still possible that it’s caused by a cold-induced upper respiratory infection. You can give your baby plenty of water and easy-to-digest foods like noodles or rice porridge. For severe cough and wheezing, consider using nebulizer inhalation therapy to alleviate symptoms. The severe cough and wheezing are due to secretions in the respiratory tract causing irritation. As the disease improves, these symptoms will gradually diminish.